Contact the OOA
Phone: 614-781-0708
The OOA office is open weekdays, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. General inquiries should be emailed to Individual staff members may be reached through the information below.
OOA Staff
Chief Executive Officer and Executive DirectorDr. Elizabeth Muckley
emuckley [at] ooa [dot] org | Chief Operating Officer of the Ohio Optometric FoundationSteve Dorman
sdorman [at] ooa [dot] org
- Ohio Optometric Foundation Support (iSee Program and iSee with Vision To Learn)
- Third Party Support (EyeMed, VSP, etc.)
Chief Finance OfficerLisa Edick
ledick [at] ooa [dot] org
- OOA, OOF, Realeyes, EastWest, OOPAC, OVP Finances
- Human Resources
| Associate Executive DirectorCori McCabe
cmccabe [at] ooa [dot] org
- Member Relations
- Member Dues
- Board of Directors Support
- Zone Governor, OOPAC, and Committee Support
- OVP Student Loan Repayment Program Support
Chief Strategy Officer for Education and EventsJordan Quickel
jquickel [at] ooa [dot] org
- EastWest Eye Conference
- EastWest Destinations
- Special Events
| REALEYES Program DirectorBritt Dahlstrom
bdahlstrom [at] ooa [dot] org
- Grant Administration
- Coordinator Manager
- Program Development
Director of CommunicationsKeo Khim
kkhim [at] ooa [dot] org
- Graphic Design
- Social Media
- Website
| REALEYES Eastern Ohio Program CoordinatorAmy Klein
aklein [at] ooa [dot] org
- Scheduling Contact for
Zones 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
Communications CoordinatorLisa Baker
lbaker [at] ooa [dot] org
- Social Media and Publication Support
- General Administrative Support
| REALEYES Mid-Ohio Program CoordinatorVeronica Hing
vhing [at] ooa [dot] org
- Scheduling Contact for
Zones 1, 7, and 12
iSee Assistant Program CoordinatorWendy Giambrone
wgiambrone [at] ooa [dot] org
- Scheduling & Coordinating iSee events
- iSee Program Support
| REALEYES Western Ohio Program CoordinatorHalie Smith
hsmith [at] ooa [dot] org
- Scheduling Contact for
Zones 8, 9, 10 and 11